Woolnorth Renewables is committed to effectively managing all health, safety and environment aspects of our business. We do this by implementing and following a health, safety and environment management system and by ensuring we maintain 100% compliance with our legal obligations.

Health Safety and Environment Management System

Woolnorth Renewables have developed a series of documents that assist us in the management of the Health, Safety and Environmental concerns of its business and are referred to as its HSE Management System.


These documents cover the range of core activities and risks that the business manages. In addition, however, Woolnorth Renewables relies on codes of practise, manufacturer’s instructions, expert advice and job-specific risk assessment to supplement the system. Our HSE System is designed around the international standards for safety (ISO45001) and environmental (ISO14001) management. The processes and documents are, therefore, organised under the continuous improvement model of Plan, Do, Check, Act described in these certifications.


Contractors intending to work on our Assets should refer to the information below before presenting for work.

Environmental Management

Woolnorth Renewables manages the environmental aspects and impacts of its wind farms and transmission lines in a manner that ensures best practice is achieved. This includes strict compliance with our environmental regulations and obligations. In summary, our focus areas are:

  • Understanding if the wind farm effects birds and bats through detailed and rigorous scientific studies.
  • Investigating if there is an impact on any flora or fauna. If there is, we aim to mitigate it, or if this is not possible, implement an offset program which aims to have a net positive effect on the species.
  • Managing land for the future – preventing erosion and the protection of any native vegetation.
  • Continually monitoring the wind farms for areas of improvement or issues of non-compliance.
  • Ensuring we can adequately respond to any incident or emergency situation.

Annual / Public Environmental Reports

Each year the Musselroe, Studland Bay and Bluff Point Wind Farms are put under the microscope and the company publishes Annual Environmental Reports (AER) for each wind farm. The AERs are written specifically to report on compliance with each wind farm’s Environment Protection Notice (EPN).

The documents are publicly available and provide a detailed summary of each wind farm’s environmental performance including compliance with environmental operating conditions (as detailed by the EPNs). Reports also include the reporting requirements of each wind farm’s Approval Decision issued pursuant to the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Every three years a Public Environmental Report is completed which includes information required by the AER and additional information required by the Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority.

Refer to the Annual/ Public Environment Report banner to access the latest reports


A list of publications which may be of interest can be found under the Other Publications banner.

Helpful Contacts

Have you seen something that concerns you, or you need to report an incident;

Need help with inductions;


Click here to view documents (requires secure login)

Contractors intending to work on our Assets should refer to the information below before presenting for work.


Contractors who have been engaged to work on a Woolnorth Renewables site should contact their company representative to arrange the necessary inductions required to complete their work. This will likely include the completion of induction and training packages on-line via the Altora platform (you will need a personal email address for this). To complete the on-line induction, you must:

– Go to the following link (,

– Select ‘Register’ to set yourself up with a profile in Altora.

– Select the Program that will suit the type of work you will do for us (you’ll need guidance from your company representative for this)

  • Worker (engaged by Woolnorth that will not be entering any of its restricted areas eg. field surveyors, avian technicians, agricultural consultants)
  • Restricted Area Worker (engaged to work within a wind turbine, HV Switchyard or Transline and includes Isolation and Permit To Work Training as optional packages).

– Complete the registration fields including the site you will spend most of your time at.

– Once registered you will then need to complete the training courses and upload documents (e.g. licenses – uploaded smart-phone photos are adequate) that are relevant to your activity (discuss this with your company representative).

If you have any concerns regarding the online induction process, please email for assistance.


All contractors and their employees must ensure the following minimum requirements prior to arriving to commence work at one of our sites:

Arrival time and date must be agreed and known at least 24 hours prior to arrival. Confirm with your company representative.

That all staff have a first aid competency that it equivalent to Basic First Aid delivered by a recognised Registered Training Organisation.

Records of training competencies required to be carried in person or provided in advance to the company representative.

That all vehicles and equipment to be used on site are in good condition, fit for use/purpose and as far as reasonably practicable hazard and defect free. All vehicles shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher and first aid kit and where required mobile plant may be required to carry a fire extinguisher.

Ensure that any chemicals being brought to site are approved by the Company prior to entry. Speak with you company representative.

That all personnel, on arrival, have the mandatory and job necessary PPE, and are otherwise fit for work (BAC 0.0, no illicit drugs – random testing may occur).

Each year the Musselroe, Studland Bay and Bluff Point Wind Farms are put under the microscope and the company publishes Annual Environmental Reports (AER) for each wind farm. The AERs are written specifically to report on compliance with each wind farm’s Environment Protection Notice (EPN).

The documents are publicaly available and provide a detailed summary of each wind farm’s environmental performance including compliance with environmental operating conditions (as detailed by the EPNs). Reports also include the reporting requirements of each wind farm’s Approval Decision issued pursuant to the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Every three years a Public Environmental Report is completed which includes information required by the AER and additional information required by the Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority.

Refer to the Annual/ Public Environment Report Banner to access the latest reports


Historical reports are available on request

There are currently no relevant Other Publications available.